Familienzentrum Werl-Nord
In 2008 the day nurseries Kiebitzweg and Droste-Hülshoff-Strasse working in partnership started to extend their range within the scope of further development.
"Together for sound children" Information-Flyer
As associated institutions we were certified with the seal of approval Familienzentrum NRW and since then we can call ourselves Familienzentrum NRW.
Since then both facilities carry the name Familienzentrum Werl-Nord.
Families in our facility and the whole social area of Werl have the opportunity to make use of the consulting, educational and support range of our institution.
Together with our partners we offer you a wide range of varied offers which we publish in flyers and newsletters.
Also the last re-certification in spring 2020 was completed successfully.
Child Day Care in the Family Centre Werl Nord in Cooperation with the District Youth Office
We provide:
We arrange a day care person in the family centre Werl Nord in the day care centre Droste-Hülshoff-Strasse. Contact:
Ingrid Ostrowski, Principal
Telephone 02922/85100
Fax: 02922/ 958810
When arranging for day care people the family centre ensures that the current guidelines of the District of Soest Youth Office on the advancement of children in day care according to §23 of the Sozialgesetzbuch VIII (German Social Security Statute Book) are adhered to, especially the differentiation between day care I and day care II.
"Arranging Child Day Care" Info-Flyer