
Family Centre Werl-Nord

Cooperation with the parents

Close cooperation of the educational staff and the parents of each single child is extremely important from the beginning. The parents are “experts of the children,” their wishes, ideas and needs which we take seriously.

Parents can expect from us that

  • they are informed about the development of their child.
  • the child receives integrated support.
  • the staff have time for an exchange of views.
  • the work at the nursery is transparent.
  • there is relief and support in their job of raising their child.

The cooperation takes place in a dialogue between the parents and the educational staff and has various forms in the facility:

  • before the child is accepted (first contact on the telephone, contact, registration conversation, first meeting in the facility)
  • admission (introductory afternoons for parents and children in the group)
  • settling in phase for children and parents
  • activities for the children and the whole family in the nursery year
  • individual contact: a word in passing, telephone contact, individual conversations (head-parents, educational staff-parents), parents sitting in on the group, development conversations prior to the U-examinations, portfolio-conversations, house calls when required
  • by means of information platforms: Information boards in the facility, a stand with information brochures, homepage, annual planning, newsletter, parent letters, written annual planning, annual folder (documentation of educational work in the groups, “talking walls” pictures from the daily routine of the nursery, portfolio-folders, digital picture frames

Parents want only the best for their children – so do we!
In our facility we do that together.