
Family Centre Werl-Nord

Outstanding Features of the KiTa Droste-Hülshoff-Strasse

Acknowledged Motion Nursery with the Plus of Nutrition

Since 28th March 2014 we have been approved as an acknowledged Motion Nursery with the added plus of nutrition.

Through movement our children experience themselves and their environment, go through their own strengths and weaknesses and acquire ideal conditions for their mental and spiritual development.

The range of food and the eating culture in the nursery is determined in the main by nutritional and health condition as well as the eating habits of the children.

Fair Nursery

Since April 2016 we have been certified as a fair nursery. With our certification we have set an example for sustainability and social justice in the globalized world.

The subject of Fair trade is part and parcel of our educational work in the nursery and is made a topic from day-to-day with the children translating into project work.

Language Nursery

In January 2018 das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)(the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth) started the Federal programme “Sprach-KiTas” (Language Nurseries): As language is the key to the world” in our nursery. Language nurseries place particular emphasis on language training in the daily life of the children.


Participation (Lat. Particeps= taking part) means being a part of, taking part in and having a say. In a dialogue with the educationalist governed by regard the children introduce their ideas, opinions, feelings and points of view and influence actively their daily life in the nursery.