
Family Centre Werl-Nord

Cooperation with the parents

In order to afford the children the best supervision trusting and open communication is most important between parents and teachers. It is basic precondition for our educational work. Regular exchanges with parents allow us to form a good partnership for the upbringing of the children.

The form of parental activity is extremely varied and parents always have the opportunity to take an active part and enrich the daily routine in the facility.

Settling in of a child

The settling-in period is a most delicate phase. It is the basis of a lovely, trusting and shared time in the nursery.
The transition period from the family into the nursery is a new period in life for the whole family.
Professional and loving backing during settling-in makes it easier for the child to get accustomed to the new situation. In this we are oriented by the “three phase model” (Infans Model).