
Family Centre Werl-Nord

Cooperation with the parents

In order to afford the children the best supervision trusting and open communication is most important between parents and teachers. It is basic precondition for our educational work. Regular exchanges with parents allow us to form a good partnership for the upbringing of the children.

Parental activity can look like this...

  • daily conversation in passing
  • pre-arranged conversations and case history discussions
  • specific development conversations / parent days (min. 2x per year)
  • sitting in within a group
  • thematic parent events
  • parents cafe in the corridor area of the facility (min. 1x per month)
  • parent general meeting (election of the parents advisory board)
  • house calls pre-arranged
  • parent/child events
  • mutual festivals or events...

This where parents have the opportunity to take an active part and enrich the daily routine of the facility.

Our notice boards in the entrance area and on each group door, in the newsletter and the half-yearly dates overview inform parents all the time on important topics and offers of the child's day centre.
Based on annual parent questionnaires we try to find out about the interests and wishes of parents as well as their needs regarding supervision times or parental events and if possible to consider them. Suggestions, wishes, praise and also criticism can be lodged in writing in the entrance area.