
Family Centre Werl-Nord

The daily routine in the KiTa Kiebitzweg

7:00 hrs.
The nursery opens
Early morning staff receive children in an all-in-one group.

7:30 hrs.
Internal group reception
All the children are supervised in their own groups.
Breakfast starts. Once a week the groups have an individual breakfast day which is organized by the nursery.

8:00 hrs. - 9:00 hrs.
Free play, breakfast time, therapeutic & special educational support
One after another the children, staff and therapists arrive. Free play takes place in the groups. The children decide what, where and with whom they want to play.
At 9.00 hrs. the Kita door closes.

9:00- 11:30 hrs.
Thematic projects
Breakfast time ends. The daily routine consists of daily free play, development appropriate and educational offers, therapeutic and special educational support (e.g. morning and chair circles, early musical coaching, internal group cooking, birthday parties...), above which there are thematic projects as well as playing outside.

11:30 hrs.
The children meet in their groups for lunch. We place great store on a balanced diet suitable for children according to the concept of Optimix. After lunch the children go to the wash room to clean their teeth.
According to age the children have the right to decide for themselves if they want to rest/sleep or to play quietly in a calm atmosphere. The midday children are collected up to 12.30 hr.

12:30 hrs. - 14:00 hrs.
Rest period, collection time
During the lunch period the children are at play or meet in small groups.
During this period the staff meet for team and group discussions, housekeeping and care activities and preparation and follow-up work on educational matters.

From 14:00 hrs.
Snack, collection time; projects
After play and getting up from rest the children receive a snack at  14:00 hrs. / 14:30 hrs. (e.g. wholemeal bread, fruit, vegetables, quark, yoghurt).
On some afternoons there are special offerings for the children such as for example a visit to the old people's home, school children work group, visit to the library….
In this period we also offer various lectures, courses for parents.
Beginning of collection time.

16:15 hrs.
Start of the all-in-one group
Start of the all-in-one group which changes from week to week between the Raben or the Rotkehlchen group rooms. Late service takes charge of the children.

17:30 hrs.
The Kita closes
After all the children have been collected, the nursery closes at 17.30 hrs. As a special service of the family centre we offer supervision in marginal periods on Thursday until 18.30 hrs.

Important to us is that the children find constantly returning elements and rituals in their daily routine and at the same time have room for free play, movement and discovery!